Deadwood | Black Hills & Badlands - South Dakota


  • Deadwood
  • Deadwood
  • Deadwood
4,533 feet

Deadwood, a historic town in the Black Hills, is known for its gold rush, gambling, and Wild West legends. Today, it offers a mix of old-world charm, outdoor activities, and modern amenities, making it a popular destination for all types of travelers.

Historic Downtown

Walk the streets where Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane once roamed, and explore the historic sites, unique shops, and restaurants. Don't miss the historic buildings like the Gem Theater and the Adams House Museum.

Mount Moriah Cemetery

The final resting place of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane, Mount Moriah Cemetery offers a fascinating glimpse into Deadwood's past. Guided tours are available, or you can explore on your own. -

Outdoor Adventures

Deadwood is surrounded by natural beauty, offering opportunities for hiking, fishing, hunting, and more. Hike or bike the 110-mile Mickelson Trail starting on the Deadwood Trailhead.

Gaming and Entertainment

Deadwood's numerous casinos, live music venues, and bars offer plenty of fun and entertainment for all.

Wild West History

Visit the Days of '76 Museum, the Adams Museum, and the Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center to learn about Deadwood's history, gold rush, and famous characters.

Discover the rich history, vibrant present, and natural beauty of Deadwood, a town where legends live on. From historic downtown to Mount Moriah Cemetery, outdoor adventures, and gaming, there's something for everyone in Deadwood. Come and experience the Wild West and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Upcoming Events in Deadwood

Things to See and Do in Deadwood

Information Page


Information Page


ATV & Snowmobile Rentals
Information Page

ATV & Snowmobile Rentals

George S. Mickelson Trail
Information Page

George S. Mickelson Trail

Mt. Moriah Cemetery
Point of Interest

Mt. Moriah Cemetery

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